Read Your Functional Tests as a Book in C# Part 5: Leverage Fluent Interface

The Goal In this series of posts I'm going to show how to leverage clean code principles when writing functional tests. Fluent Interface Navigation between flow »

Read Your Functional Tests as a Book in C# Part 4 : A Context for Your Scenario

The Goal In this series of posts I'm going to show how to leverage clean code principles when writing functional tests. The Flow's Context In my »

Shelfari service

Just signed up to Shelfari service, which is a community-powered encyclopedia for book lovers. So You can share books, You are reading, have read, or going »

Distributive Factorial in Elixir #1

Goal: Significally improve peformance of factorial algorithm by leveraging all available processors. Standard factorial implementation usually looks something like this: def factorial(1), do: 1 def »

Elixir Enum Module Under the Hood #3

In this series of posts we are gooing to look under the hood of Enum module. Here are the source and tests of the module. Today »

Elixir Enum Module Under the Hood #2

In this series of posts we are gooing to look under the hood of Enum module. Here are the source and tests of the module. Today »

Mind-blowing Flow of Control in Functional Languages

When I stared looking into functional programming languages it was a big surprise for me that if statement and while/for/foreach loops were not only »

Sitefinity and Web API gotcha

Today I needed to expose some REST functionality in the project, which leverages Sitefinity, via ASP.NET Web API. Standard routing setup didn't work out for »

Leveraging T4 Templates

T4 (which stands for Text Template Transformation Toolkit) is a great way to automate code generation tasks. Here is a sample of how I translated resx »

Elixir Enum Module Under the Hood #1

In this series of posts we are gooing to look under the hood of Enum module. Here are the source and tests of the module. Let's »