Elixir/Phoenix on Windows

Installation part Recently I attended LatCraft Elixir focused workshop by Boris Goriachev. It's been a while since I've touched Elixir. In addition to that only Windows »

Distributive Factorial in Elixir #1

Goal: Significally improve peformance of factorial algorithm by leveraging all available processors. Standard factorial implementation usually looks something like this: def factorial(1), do: 1 def »

Elixir Enum Module Under the Hood #3

In this series of posts we are gooing to look under the hood of Enum module. Here are the source and tests of the module. Today »

Elixir Enum Module Under the Hood #2

In this series of posts we are gooing to look under the hood of Enum module. Here are the source and tests of the module. Today »

Mind-blowing Flow of Control in Functional Languages

When I stared looking into functional programming languages it was a big surprise for me that if statement and while/for/foreach loops were not only »

Elixir Enum Module Under the Hood #1

In this series of posts we are gooing to look under the hood of Enum module. Here are the source and tests of the module. Let's »

Immutability in Elixir

In Erlang You are allowed to bind a variable only once. There is no chance to use the same variable even as an accumulator. Let's look »

Elixir Exercise #2 from "Seven more languages ... "

The problem Given a list of atoms, build a function called wordcount that returns a keyword list, where the keys are atoms from the list and »

Elixir Exercise #1 from "Seven more languages ... "

The problem Given a list of numbers, use recursion to find (1) the size of the list, (2) the maximum value, and (3) the minimum value. »

Elixir help system

As Elixir site says "Elixir ships with a great set of tools to ease development". This statement is absolute truth. Elixir's help system is really phenomenal. »